Provide cleaner, fresher ice with the Pentair Everpure Oxidice ice machine disinfection system. This compact ozone generator treats the water, air, and internal surfaces of your ice machine to support the reduction of mold, mildew, biofilm and other undesirable contaminants. These features help reduce monthly ice machine downtime and maintenance and deliver higher-quality ice production for you and your customers.
- Fits any size cube machine
- Fast, simple installation
- Variable ozone output
- Universal power supply
- Uses no chemicals – nothing to fill or recharge
Ozone is an oxidizing agent that can be stronger and more effective than other disinfectants. Ozone attacks biofilm at the molecular level, removing carbon atoms until the cell walls of the biofilm growth rupture. Any unused ozone will naturally revert to oxygen, leaving no residuals or harsh chemical odors behind. Oxidice uses this natural yet powerful process to sanitize on a multi-cellular level.
System Features:
- Variable ozone output
- LED status indicators
- Microprocessor controlled
- Unique application method that treats the water,
air, and internal surfaces of your ice machine - Universal power supply
- Automated service timer
- Uses no chemicals – nothing to fill or recharge
- Only byproduct is oxygen1
- 6’ (1.8 m) grounded power cord
1 Any ozone that does not react with another compound will break down to oxygen. In water, half of the unused ozone will revert back to oxygen in 20 minutes at 68ºF (20ºC). In the air, half of the unused ozone will revert to oxygen in 3 days at 68ºF (20ºC).
Reduce undesirable contaminants from both the water and the ice basin with the power of ozone. Oxidice lowers operating costs and maintenance visits, while providing cleaner, tastier ice for you and your customers.
What exactly is ozone?
Ozone is a form of oxygen with three (3) oxygen atoms, unlike molecular oxygen, which only contains two (2) oxygen atoms. Ozone forms naturally by ultraviolet (UV) from the sun in our upper atmosphere. This layer protects life on earth by absorbing harmful UV rays, commonly called the “ozone layer.” If you’ve ever experienced that earthy, clean fragrance after a rainstorm, you’re smelling Ozone, which is produced by an electrical charge from lightning. Ozone is a natural oxidizer with a reaction more powerful than chlorine. By law, ozone water treatment is the required technology for use in all water treatment plants and bottled water production in the United States. Ozone is an unstable gas and has a short half life. So, once it has oxidized a containment (bacteria, virus), it quickly disappears and reverts to its original state of oxygen – leaving no by-products or chemical residues behind.
How does Oxidice work?
Oxidice delivers ozone through a single hole in the ice machine to a diffuser in the sump. As the ozone passes through the diffuser, it transforms into tiny bubbles that allow the ozone gas to dissolve in the water to treat the water and surfaces under the water. Any ozone that does not dissolve will mix with the air inside the ice machine, thus treating all remaining internal surfaces.
I can smell a particular odor when Oxidice is running; is that normal?
Ozone has a very distinctive odor that is easily detected. When ozone is created naturally during a lightning strike, the smell of ozone is often associated with that fresh, natural smell after a rainstorm. A person’s sensitivity to smell ozone is as unique as their fingerprints. Still, people begin to smell ozone at concentrations that are well within the safe range, so smelling a slight ozone odor is no cause for concern. A little whiff of ozone that might reach your nose when you open the ice bin is an indication that the disinfectant is present and working hard to keep biofilm from growing.
I know Chlorine works, but Chlorine can leave off-tastes and odors in beverages. How can Oxidice help?
Ozone is a naturally occurring oxidizer with a Standard Oxidation Potential (a measurement of a chemical’s reaction likelihood, the higher the number, the more likely it will react) of 2.07V; Chlorine has a Standard Oxidation Potential of only 1.36V. Chlorine bleach is a chemical rarely found in nature. Ozone has a short half-life and dissipates into oxygen after disinfection leaving no residuals or off-tastes in beverages.
If Ozone is such a strong disinfectant, do I need to be careful?
The ozone production time can be increased or decreased based on the ice maker’s production rate in a 24-hour period and the environment where the ice maker lives. When installed correctly, Oxidice will produce just enough Ozone to oxidize biofilm trying to grow on the internal surfaces and the airborne contaminants looking for a home. Even if the system is set at maximum output, the amount of Ozone emitted is not enough to be harmful. If you smell too much Ozone, turn the Oxidice down a level and head outside to get some fresh air.
How is Oxidice different from other ice machine treatment devices?
Oxidice offers 4 (four) customized levels of treatment depending on your facility needs, so you get the correct dose every time. It won’t over-treat your small boutique and can keep up with a high-volume ice machine for a large hotel or sports bar. Additionally, most manufactured ice machines either treat the incoming water OR they treat the air inside the ice machine. Oxidice treats both simultaneously! Because of this double-duty treatment system, Oxidice extends the time between cleanings. Your monthly maintenance visits are reduced lowering operational costs while producing high-quality ice for your customers.
Suppose my kitchen closes one day a week. Does Oxidice continue working during this closing time?
We all deserve to rest but remember that bacteria and other airborne contaminants are relentless. They never take a break. Oxidice treats your ice machine 24/7 minimizing the potential for the formation of biofilms, mold, and fungus, unlike other devices that work only when the ice machine runs. So, rest assured – Oxidice is hard at work while you’re away.
Should I be careful opening the ice bin lid of my ice machine?
Oxidice produces low Ozone levels that are safe for humans but not safe for biofilm. Like the steam that escapes when you open a dishwasher, if you smell a little ozone when you open the ice bin, open it up and allow a few seconds to let the air circulate. The steam from the dishwasher tells you it’s doing its job to wash the dishes. Smelling a little ozone is a good indication that the system is working. If you believe you smell too much ozone gas, lower the Oxidice mode setting.
How does Ultraviolet (UV) compare with Ozone generated through a corona discharge (CD)?
Corona discharge technology generates a variety of ozone concentrations based on the size of the ice machine. Using a microprocessor, we adjust both ozone concentration and ozone generation duration to allow Oxidice to match disinfectant output to different size ice machines and different ice machine environments. UV systems cannot easily vary the amount of ozone generated, leading to a one size fits all device.
How often should I clean my ice machine?
Every manufacturer of ice machines has standard cleaning instructions. We recommend cleaning your ice machine every six (6) months, adding supplemental cleanings depending on the machine’s water quality and environment.
Did you know that if your facility serves beer on tap or makes fresh bread, you will have a higher concentration of airborne yeast?
Airborne yeast loves to find cold, damp places to grow, so this would be a good example for more frequent cleanings. You can also monitor the cleanliness of your ice machine during a cleaning cycle. If it is spotless, add some time before the next scheduled cleaning. If it isn’t clean, try increasing the Oxidice output setting or decreasing the time before the next scheduled cleaning.
You will still need a filter for your ice, check out our range of filters for ice

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