Situation Analysis & Recommendation is the second phase of the Total Water Management process. Therefore includes using the data from the customer needs assessment to complete a situation analysis. This analysis provides the necessary information to assemble a customized solution for the operator.

The Situation Analysis & Recommendation phase includes:

  • Water Data Comparison: We create a water data comparison that evaluates the water test data (done in the customer needs assessment phase of the TWM process). Data is used against recommended water quality standards that are set by the SANS. 
  • Custom Application Sizing Tools: We apply tools to assist in creating equipment recommendations that are completely customized to your operation. 
  • Site Analysis Report: A detail report will summarize the opportunities and recommendations by location. To improve the water quality in the most efficient and cost effective method possible.

The steps within this phase are design to allow us to accurately determine the type of solution an operation may need in order to provide the best water possible.


+27(0)21 556 7418

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