Total water management in the food industry
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Total water management in the food industry

Water is the single most important ingredient in food service, therefore water management is very important! Consider these facts: ice is 100 percent water, coffee is 99 percent water, fountain beverages are 83 percent water, soups and sauces are up to 80 percent water. With these percentages, it’s no wonder more and more foodservice establishments…

We focus on customer needs
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We focus on customer needs

Customer Needs Assessment is the first phase of the Total Water Management process. Which includes: The customer needs assessment phase includes: The steps within this phase are designed to allow us to accurately determine the type of solution an operation may need in order to provide the best water possible. For more info contact us…

Situation analysis & Recommendation
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Situation analysis & Recommendation

Situation Analysis & Recommendation is the second phase of the Total Water Management process. Therefore includes using the data from the customer needs assessment to complete a situation analysis. This analysis provides the necessary information to assemble a customized solution for the operator. The Situation Analysis & Recommendation phase includes: Water Data Comparison: We create…

Implementation & Management
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Implementation & Management

Implementation & Management is the third phase of the Total Water Management process, and it includes comprehensive post-sale services that may include scheduled maintenance planning or applying an auto ship program. The Implementation & Management phase includes: Turnkey implementation program with project management capabilities  Installation  Start-up  Operator orientation  Continued support and maintenance  On-site personnel training …

Coffee Filtration
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Coffee Filtration

Coffee is 99% water.  Not only will water taste better with Everpure filtration, but it will also provide protection against harmful contaminants. Our exclusive precoat technology enables the removal of submicron particles as small as 0.5 micron in size. Good coffee can be a real draw for customers. But if the water’s taste and odour isn’t…