Typhoid in municipal water – South Africa. Our water filtration system will trap bacteria. Preventing bacteria from passing through filters into your beverage or onto your food. Keeping you & the family safe!

What is typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever is an acute severe illness, caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. People who drink contaminated water or eat food washed in contaminated water can develop typhoid fever.

The infection may affect many organ systems in the body, and so there are a variety of symptoms.

Please read the News24 article for more info:

Do not fear, not all is lost, we have the solution for your home/office/restaurant!

Pentair water filtration Bacteria Reduction by Mechanical Means:

Many Pentair-Everpure’s water filters featuring MicroPure™-II media are labeled to 0.5 microns. This is the limit that NSF tests to when awarding certification for Standard-42 (Class-I particulate reduction).

We are however pleased to inform you that the water filters listed above have been confirmed to be a log-5 reduction* (99.999% reduction) in 0.2μm bacteria.

Pentair-Everpure’s NSF-42 BE certification is only made possible because of the design features in our precoat filters and the use of our proprietary MicroPure™-II media. 

Our NSF/ANSI-42 BE certification means that – unlike many water filters on the market – the Pentair systems with this certification limit the passage or growth bacteria that may already exist in the incoming water.

NSF/ANSI Standards – including Bacteriostatic Effect

NSF remains the cornerstone of all performance testing, and the water filters listed above already meet the demanding standards set out by NSF/ANSI-42 (Aesthetic Effects) and NSF/ANSI-53 (Health Effects).

While details of these certifications can be found on NSF website listings and on our product literature, we wish to draw your attention to one particular aspect of NSF/ANSI-42, which is a Bacteriostatic Effect claim. The significance of this should not be underestimated.

All of this being said, the following filters have a 0.2 Micron rating that will limit the passage or growth of bacteria:

  • Cold Drink Applications: 4C, MC & XC
  • Hot Drink Applications: BH & MH
  • Ice Applications: i2000 & i4000 (Insurice)

Please note that clients using standard carbon block technology 4CB5-S/7CB5-S might not be protected against bacteria, since it’s only 5-micron filtration. 

These cartridges are mostly used for hot water applications such as coffee, the boiling of water will kill bacteria.

If you are using carbon block for drinking water (carbon filtration 4CB5-S/7CB5-S) you might not be protected, we will happily accommodate with special pricing for the replacements.

Including 4C² / MC² / XC² / BH² / MH² / I2000² / I4000², and “old” BH, MH,I2000, I4000.

For our clients using our 5 micron range (4CB5-S / 7CB5-S and Claris):

Research done by the World Health Organization reveals that a water temperature of 70 degrees Celsius will kill 99.999% of bacteria, protozoa, and viruses in less than one minute, and Espresso should be brewed at 90-96°C, so for this use (heated applications) these filters are sufficient

If you are using any other type of filtration systems that you are unsure of, please contact us and we can direct you to the relevant research regarding their efficacy and performance during bacterial contamination of drinking water. 

Please also be aware of other filtration suppliers claiming to sell generic Everpure cartridges as they do not have the correct certification and testing standards.

Please get in touch should you wish to change over to the finer filtration 

We will always strive to put our clients, their businesses, and families first, we are here to help wherever we can!

For home water drinkers, these systems will be effective 

We have a large drinking kit with a tap 

If you have a prep bowl, and only require filtration and not an additional tap

If you need your water tested contact us!

  • mail@ultimatewater.co.za
  • CPT +27(0)21 556 7418
  • JHB +27(0)71 364 5066

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