It’s the inside that counts

What do we mean by total water management? 

As a shop owner, there is so much that demands your attention, and having the correct water filtration for your equipment should not be one of them!

The industry has evolved drastically over the last few years, and a lot more business owners and technicians are aware that water for your equipment is crucial to your business existence. Poor quality water = damaged equipment, downtime, and unnecessary costs!

We see it too often that shop owners are still being misled that having filtration is good enough. This is false, you are flushing money down the drain and could cause more problems for yourself. 

Apart from looking after your equipment, we also make sure that your water is tasty! 

Water is the single most important ingredient in food service, therefore water management is very important!

Consider these facts:

  • ice is 100 percent water,
  • coffee is 99 percent water,
  • fountain beverages are 83 percent water,
  • soups and sauces are up to 80 percent water.

Think of the equipment that is currently in your store. 

For example your oven uses steam.

When water turns into steam, chemicals and other contaminants get caught in the conversion. Can cause scale buildup, corrosion, and steamer performance that can negatively impact the quality of your food. For cleaner water that keeps your steam equipment running efficiently over a long, productive life, insist on Pentair.

Steam is 100% Water – Chemical characteristics of water can have a significant impact on equipment and are often the cause of costly repairs and shortened equipment life. It is impossible to enjoy the benefits of cooking with steam without careful consideration of water quality

Properly applied, water treatment will reduce scale and corrosion problems, assure efficient equipment operation, and eliminate expensive service calls and downtime.

It is an investment in the success and profitability of your business. Service interruptions, costly repairs and operating inefficiencies can be far more expensive than guarding against them. Water treatment insures that your equipment is producing when you need it most. Read more here about Why water filtration for steam.

We can also help with wastewater systems, make your shop sustainable! 

If you need help with a site audit you are welcome to contact us. Or if you would like your water tested do not hesitate to contact us
CPT: +27(0)21 556 7418
JHB: +27(0)71 364 5066

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